Wednesday 15 June 2011

Putting it all together

Its been a pretty busy time for the Cadogans team recently. Unfortunately this has mostly related to work and has meant getting the team into one place to train for the big event has been a bit of a flop. Although everyone has been training, its been mostly solo apart from Roddy and Alan who cycled round Loch Katrine, though somehow Roddy missed the magnificient views and instead only saw Alan's backside disappearing up the hills in front of him!  On the positive side, we have noted that this means we are unlikely to run out of topics of conversation on the 16 mile walk, although David Jackson has clarified that it should be possible to spend the time talking about something other than work. Roddy has a plan to discuss the physics of forward passes in rugby which should makes us all walk faster (away from him) and David Mc's views on social politics are unlikely to go unchallenged...

Cadogan trendy hat
It is, however, looking increasingly likely that communication may be a signfiicant issue as we were this afternoon all issued with what can only be described as a 'bee keepers' hat to keep off that wonderful old beast the Scottish 'midgie' (see right). The survivors of previous walking challenges have confidently stated that this is a necessary precaution against the 'wee beastie'. To some, this is considered a method of last resort. We'll see.

The crew have all either taken their bikes for a pukka service at an appropriate bike shop or stated that their mechanical enginering skills have been sufficient to do it themselves. They are otherwise known as 'the cheepskates' and any mechanical failures during the event will rest heavily on their hearts as well as being recounted to them regularly for a considerable period of time - they have been warned! 


 We now have our support crew and bus driver - Willie - who is a certified Civil Engineer. It is a worry that someone who is certified is driving our van, but needs must. Perhaps we should think of him a bit like Murdoch from the A-Team. It is good to have him on board, though not looking forward to seeing him and the van at 0645 at Glasgow Central on Saturday morning.

If you are a duck, then the weekend weather is going to be excellent. For those of us who are not quite as interested in sitting in water all day, its not looking quite as good. 'heavy rain' is forecast for most of the day, although Alan and Roddy have been batting about forecasts of whether the wind is going Easterly (good) or Westerly (bad). We can assume that the answer is somewhat indeterminate at the moment.

Iain's preparation for the event has been somewhat hampered, in a fantastic way, by his first child, Grace, being born a few weks ago.  Apparently she is too young to have her pram towed behind Iain's bike round King's park...

Fundraising is currently going very well. We are more than half way towards reaching our goal of raising £2,000 for 3 charities - RSPCC, Sightsavers and Alzheimers Scotland.

If you wish to make a donation, please don't forget that you can do so at

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