Wednesday 11 December 2013

Biomass boiler warning

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) has issued a warning with respect to potential problems with biomass boilers under certain conditions. The full warning can be viewed here. If you are concerned and wish any advice, then please contact our Gerry Brannigan on 0141 270 7060.

Friday 6 December 2013

Straight from the judges mouth

We at Cadogans pride ourselves in the quality of advice we deliver to our clients and we are delighted that Sheriff Alayne Swanson of Glasgow and Strathkelvin Sheriff court agrees. In a recent case (in which our Rajen Lavingia gave evidence), she noted:

“The evidence which I heard from the pursuer’s expert witness Dr Lavingia…assisted me in concluding…that if the scaffold structure including the hop ups had been put together properly with the tie bars hammered correctly into place this accident could not have occurred. The evidence from a number of witnesses was that the structure would be completely stable in that event and tie bars and boards simply could not have been dislodged. I was therefore satisfied on the evidence that the only explanation as to how the accident occurred is that the tie bar was (a) not there at all or (b) in position but not properly secured”.